Tuesday, September 8, 2015

After the Rapture (Left behind?)


Have you found yourself left behind? Didn’t make the rapture and you are wondering why? Did you think you were a Christian and should have been taken in the Rapture?

You have so many questions. You are looking for answers. We will attempt to help you find the answers and tell you what to expect and how to survive until you go to heaven.

First off, there are scriptures that Jesus gave us that say that not all people who call themselves Christians will be taken in the Rapture because He never knew them. And they say “but Lord…” and they say that they did many great things in His name. They call Him Lord, do good works, but He never knew them. Why.  There are a lot of scriptures in the books of Paul. Like in 1 Corinthians.  That say that if we are mastered by sin, then God is not our master and we do not belong to Him. There is a saying that Joyce Meyer says. “Just because you park yourself in a garage doesn’t make you a car” you can go to church, but that doesn’t mean you are a Christian.  So many people in today’s world are living like the world instead of separating themselves from the world and living godly. They have accepted that they can still act like the world, but because they have accepted Christ, they can live by grace and do what they want. But that is not true. That’s called greasy grace. That is not the kind of grace that God gives us. He calls us to repentance and to turn from our sin. The grace is that He forgives us even though we do not deserve it. Lots of people have twisted what grace is. Well, it’s really the devil who twisted it and people have believed his lies. 

If you have accepted sin, even though you don’t actually do the sin, like play the sin of murder, rebellion, stealing, hurting others, fighting, violence, witchcraft, sorcery,   etc. in video games, or other games, or even kids toys, if you allow your children to play with them, if you or you allow your family to watch bad TV shows or read bad books, things that are against God and His teachings and laws, then you are sinning. It’s not just pretend. God sees it as real. If you accept the way someone lives (sex outside of marriage, homosexual, violence-like karate or ninja fighting, etc) than you are not standing for God. You approve saying “that’s how it is now a days” instead of being bothered by it, then you have become part of the world. If you wanted to do the things you have done, justifying it as “everyone does it. I love God, He knows that, so I’m ok.” Then you have been deceived yourself. God has a Holy way of living. He gave the laws to us, and it was for our protection, and to keep us from evil. The devil has twisted everything around. .he has twisted God’s laws and God’s way of living and God’s teachings. It will only get worse as you go through the tribulation. There is a great deception coming. The devil (antichrist) will tell a lie as to where all the missing people went. .he will use something like they were taken by aliens. They already have a telescope named lucifer, they are looking for aliens. They have also done Holograms to make false sightings of UFO’S.  Don’t listen to the lies that will be told. Instead, get into the Bible. Try to find a book that explains Revelation and what’s going to happen in the tribulation. Also, DO NOT take the mark of the beast. Do not take the microchip called the RFID chip. Once the mark of the beast is taken, that person is condemned to hell. I do not know what happens if someone was convinced by the devil that Jesus wasn’t real, but then comes to the realization that He is and wants Him as Lord of his life. If that person already took the mark, and changes his mind, I do not know if he will have another chance. But I do know that if someone knowingly takes the mark, and rejects Jesus, they are condemned to hell. So do not take it. You have been warned, so you have absolutely no choice. You know better, you can’t change your mind. The antichrist will say that you cannot buy or sell without that mark. You will starve and be tempted to take it. But it is much better to let them know you are a Christian ASAP. Repent of your sins and repent for not watching for the rapture and for not believing that the rapture could happen any time soon. Repent for not walking as God told you to walk as a Christian, as explained in the Bible. To live Holy and Righteous lives. Lives pleasing to the Lord. He will forgive you and will receive you into heaven as soon as you die. You will be in His loving arms. So get to heaven as soon as you can. Don’t try to survive. The tribulation will only get worse.  The first 3 ½ years will be bad, but the last 3 ½ will be even worse. People will try to kill themselves but they will not be able to. The best thing to do is, once they declare that you have to take the mark or get your head cut off, Guillotine (head choppers) are ready. Over 30,000 have been made. Fema camp buildings are ready. These two things are needed for the Mark of the Beast system and they are just waiting for the antichrist to come into power. It is expected. It is prepared. The one currency will be the CHIP. That is also how the antichrist will make his mark be taken. These things will happen just after the rapture and the antichrist rises to power coming as a man of peace. But he will not be peaceful for long. It is a trick to get people to follow him. Best thing to do is get the head chopped off and get to heaven if you are left behind.

Another thing to do is tell everyone you know the truth. Tell them about Jesus, that they need to receive Him as Lord. And they will be saved. Tell them about the coming events. The deception that will be told and the mark of the beast system. Help them be prepared so they don’t get deceived. Invite everyone to your house and tell as many people at once. The one world religion is coming. They will kill all Christians. You want this! Get into heaven as soon as possible. But, tell as many people as you can. Make that your mission so that they will come to heaven with you. The gullotines may look scary and it may look grotest to see people’s heads chopped off. But they do not feel a thing. Neither will you. Besides, you have received Christ. He will give you courage. He will be with you. You must tell everyone. Don’t worry about the body. You will get a brand new, better body in heaven. We will all be in heaven during the tribulation, and then there will be a new heaven and a new earth. And The Father and Jesus will come and reign with Their people for 1000 years with total peace and love and joy. No sorrow, no pain, no sickness or disease, no evil, nothing bad. No death.  It is paradise and we will be with Jesus and God as family. We will be with animals, no more wild dangerous animals. Everyone will get along, and there will be nothing but pure joy.

Heaven is much better than earth. God has His best in paradise. Earth was only a foreshadow of heaven. Imagine how beautiful parts of the earth are. Heaven is even better. This earth is fixing to be destroyed. In the tribulation, there will be great disasters, and entire states, and parts of the world will be destroyed all at once. Don’t stay long on the earth. Get away as soon as possible. We’re sorry you were left behind. God is too. He doesn’t want anyone to perish. He really wanted you to go in the rapture. He is longing to receive you into His arms as quickly as you can get there. But you must repent first. The devil will try to condemn you, telling you that you are not worthy, telling you that you are too bad. Telling you that you blew it. But you must know the truth. God will forgive you if you ask Him and live right. Get your heart and your thinking right before God and then, when you die, you will be with Him forever, never separated from Him again. The Bible tells us how much He really does love us. He tried so hard to get people to see that and gave rules only for our good. The devil is convincing and tricking and very good at his tactics. Get a Bible before it’s illegal to buy them. It won’t be long before every Christian website and YouTube or facebook page is removed. Stores will not be allowed to sell anything Christian. Already, preachers are being banned from preaching in prisons and other places if they do not refuse to say that it is wrong to be gay. Churches will be burned, or locked up. Nothing Christian will be allowed. And you will have to be underground as a home church group or even hide being Christian yourself. Today, (Aug 2015) our daughter had to go to doctor. The questions they asked had nothing to do with her medical condition. They asked if we lived in a house, apartment and if we had guns in the home. They also ask what religion you are. They will come looking for you. The Jade Help operation was to prepare them for such a time as this. And actually it wasn’t so much of an operation. They are just putting military in place. Texas is considered to be hostile. I hope you get this letter before they do. We need to let everyone know what is happening and what to do. If they get their hands on this before citizans do, then people will be left wondering what happened. There will be lots of preachers left behind too. So many are too afraid to teach about the rapture and tribulation, afraid that the congregation will be offended. Paul in the Bible says that He is glad he wrote such harsh letters so that they will repent and change. But many preachers cared more about how many people were in the pews and how much tithe was given, than to preach about being ready, watching for Jesus, etc.

Try to get as much info from the internet and books as you can. Before it is all removed from the internet and stores. The main thing you need to do is repent, ask God to forgive you. Get right with God in your heart and way of thinking and DO NOT take the mark. And tell everyone you know. If you are not good at talking to people, get over it. You can’t let people go to hell because you are too afraid to tell them.

We hope this letter helps get you into heaven. We love you and so does God. Hope to see you soon.

2 Thessalonians 2:1-12New International Version (NIV)

The Man of Lawlessness

2 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

Don’t you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming. The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion (God allows it because He tried so many times to get through to them, but they wouldn’t listen. So He allows what their hearts desire) so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.

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