Thursday, September 10, 2015

120th Jubilee ends-Jesus' Return?

go to at the top you can change the date to see any year. or just click "view calendar" and it will show you that we are in the 120th Jubilee.

In Genesis 6:3 God said that He would only dwell with Man for 120 years. it's not man's life span. man lived well beyond 900 years when God made that statement. it's Jubilee year cycles that God was talking about. a Jubilee is very important to God. He commanded the Jews to keep the Jubilee. a Jubilee is every 50 years. we have been here on earth for 6000 years. if you take 6000 and divide it by every Jubilee (50 years) you get 120. according to the Torah, which is the Jewish calendar, we are in the last jubilee. the new jubilee starts Sept 23, 2015. God will remove His Spirit and all who are filled with His Spirit before the 121st Jubilee. if the Torah calendar is right on target, then we are all going home soon. the 120th Jubilee ends Sept 13, 2015. just 3 days from now. the Jewish calendar is ahead of us by about 6 hours (central time), depending on when the sunsets in Israel. that is when their day ends and the new day begins.
it's neat to see this calendar, take a look

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